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FIGHTING TO PROVIDE FOR THEIR FAMILY - Kendall & David's journey with Dawning Family Services

“Mom… where are we going to sleep tonight?” little Abby asked, as tears swelled in her eyes.

Kendall didn’t know. They had been homeless longer than she would like to remember; there were too many sleepless nights to count. Kendall and her husband, David, have been working hard to make ends meet but it just wasn’t enough. Each night after work David would hug his two young kids tight and promise them a better tomorrow. As times got harder, both Kendall and David lost their jobs leaving them helpless to house and feed their family.

With no viable employment opportunities, Kendall started looking for other options. She was connected to Dawning Family Services (DFS) and their family soon moved into Emergency Bridge Housing where they were welcomed with open arms. Through this program the family had a safe place to sleep so they could focus on working with their Housing and Support Specialist to set goals for achieving employment and housing stability. David worked one on one with DFS’ Specialists to develop his resume and prepare for interviews while Kendall developed a family budget and searched for permanent housing. Our specialist helped David secure a job quickly and soon the family was moving into their own apartment thanks to our Rapid Rehousing program.

Just when everything was looking bright, the family hit a few bumps in the road. Within a few months of employment David suffered a work injury and could not return to his job. David felt as if the rug was pulled out from underneath them; they were so close to their goal of providing a secure home for their kids. Unfortunately, David’s injury was not the only stressor at the time. Kendall had just fallen victim to a cyber-attack, costing vital funds and progress in their journey. For at least two months, the family struggled to make ends meet. Using all the money they had saved for other bills, groceries, gas, and all their other necessities. Thankfully during this time, the Rapid Rehousing Program covered the rent and utility costs, giving Kendall and David additional support as they searched for employment.

Time passed and David secured a job, allowing him to start contributing to rent and start to rebuilding their savings account. Kendall followed in his footsteps a few weeks later and their family was back on track to transition out of the program and fully sustain themselves on their own.

Kendall was moved by the Dawning Team as they made her feel safe, valued, and showed how they wouldn’t give up on her family. She saw firsthand the positive changes Social Workers could make in someone’s life. We are happy to report that Kendall is pursuing a career in Social Work and is finishing her degree at a local college. Both Kendall and David take pride in their journey and how far they have come from experiencing homelessness to providing for their children while planning the future.

At Dawning Family Services, we embrace diverse families with minor children who are at risk or are currently homeless and provide support in transitioning them to safe and stable housing. Will you consider supporting our mission so that families like Kendall's can find their own success story? Visit

Written by Tori Calandro




6718 N Armenia Ave Tampa FL 33604

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