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Preventing a family of 3 from homelessness

Donna had no other choice; it was either she and her two children moving in with her mom, or they become homeless. Her mother allowed them to move in for a temporary stay until Donna could get on her feet. Regardless of how hard she worked, she could not afford a place of her own quite yet, and when days turned to weeks, Donna’s mother decided it was too much and chose to kick out the family of three.

Donna was referred to Dawning Family Services' Homeless Prevention department where she worked hard with her case manager to ensure success for her family. She created a plan to find affordable housing on a strict budget. Donna had never lived on her own before and was determined to give her kids a safe place to sleep. During Donna’s time with DFS, her case manager found an opportunity to apply for the family’s home to be fully furnished, once they were accepted.

Donna and her two young ones were soon approved to move into a place to call their own. Through the help of financial assistance from Dawning Family Services, her case manager, and Donna’s hard work, her family was able to move into their first home fully furnished.

Donna is grateful for Dawning Family Services being there during such a difficult time and providing the tools needed to help her family.

Written by Tori Calandro




6718 N Armenia Ave Tampa FL 33604

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